Fawdon Community Centre
The building has now been transferred to NCAT from Newcastle City Council and we will endeavour to make the asset more sustainable by bringing in vital community services.
Managed by dedicated volunteers.
Opening times:
Monday – 10am-1pm | 2pm–5pm
Tuesday – Closed
Wednesday – 10am–1pm
Thursday – 2pm–5pm
Friday – Closed
For more information: www.fawdoncommunitylibrary.com
Little Learners Nursery
Ofsted registered pre-school setting offering 2 and 3yr funded places.
For more information contact Helen Wilding on 07561399867
Email: littlelearnersne@sky.com
Kalmer Counselling Services
Therapy at Kalmer can change your life!
The way we live our lives, how we think, feel and behave can have a huge impact upon us. If we feel stuck, negative about life that’s all we notice, see and attract into our lives.
Therapy at Kalmer can change your life! By creating a space to explore you, your needs, your life, dreams and desires you can change your mindset and develop feelings of happiness and positivity. This can help to change everything about your life because if you change you everything around you has to change too.
If you want a more fulfilling happy life it starts with you. ‘Like attracts like’
Other Activities
- Carpet Bowls
- Table Tennis
- Choir
- Taekwondo
- Karate
- Mens group – Tuesdays 10am – 12pm. Contact lisa.johnson@newcastlecat.org.uk
Contact Fawdon Community Centre
Fawdon Community Centre.
Fawdon Park Road
Newcastle upon Tyne